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Adamawa adopts forensic facility to curb rape cases

Adamawa adopts forensic facility to curb rape cases
Prosecution of sexual and gender-based violence has been given a boost with the commissioning of Sexual Assault Center in Yola, Adamawa state.
With the facility in place, experts believe prosecuting rape cases has now become a lot easier.
Cases of Sexual assaults and other gender-based violence have lingered in courts and many times suffered setbacks due to lack of credible evidence. 
However, respite may have come the way of victims and prosecutors alike, with the establishment of Sexual Assault Referral Center in Yola, the Adamawa State capital.
With this facility now in place, experts say, it will no longer be business as usual for rapists and other culprits of gender-based violence in the state capital. 
A memorandum of understanding was signed by critical partners in the running of the center to include the European Union, British Council, Managing Conflicts in Nigeria, the Adamawa State government and relevant security agencies.


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